Ending on a sweet note

Tales of friends around the table, sophisticated dinners, or simple lunches. With Sammontana, every day has its own happy story.

finire in dolcezza

Stories of Italian tables

Sammontana celebrates the communal joy of the Italian table by dedicating care and attention to one of its most special moments: the end of the meal. It's a time for everyone to indulge in the taste of a delightful dessert, a moment where classic recipes can be interpreted in a modern key to provide timeless pleasure.

Sammontana tells stories of Italian tables, savouring the indulgence of concluding a meal in ever-changing ways.

But it's also about enjoying a more sustainable and respectful table, catering to the dietary needs of all diners, without sacrificing the joy desserts can bring. These are stories of shared meals, sophisticated dinners, or simple lunches. With Sammontana, every day is a different story with a happy ending.